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Talk of the town, or rather the world. #Covid #coronavirus #alcohol #toiletpaper #handsanitizer #confirmedcases #deaths etc. We sure know how to freak the hell out of ourselves don't we? 🔹 It seems that we've become quite sensitive to just about everything; what people say, what people do, what people don't do, what people don't say, when people die, when they don't die, how people talk, how people don't talk…nothing seems to make us happy anymore with so much judgement and criticism in the air. What a strange time we're living in right now… 🔸 Awhile back, there was a video posted by @coldfusiontv in YouTube called "The death of Facebook | How social media ripped apart a generation", which you can guess from the title of the video what it's about. With the world affairs and everyone's opinions at our fingertips, it's hard to not get sucked into the digital drama where opinions, facts and truths have blurred the lines. 🔹 Ever since there were human beings on this Earth, there's been some kind of diseases, plagues, deaths. Perhaps the problem is that we believe we're immortal, that death is something that happens to someone else, but aren't we all heading towards our deathbeds in the end? And knowing that we are all one day going to die anyway, isn't it better to just accept it and be thankful that at least we're alive and well today; that our family and those closest to us are also alive and well? And if you or your family isn't alive or well, wouldn't you want to spend the time doing the things you love and celebrate life, rather than dwelling on something you probably have no control of? 🔸 Just as it is tough to swim against the current, it is also tough going against the flow of life. A virus has come, it will stay, and it will go away; and when we've forgotten about this one, another one will come along, and it will continue this cycle as long as we roam this planet. 🔹 So relax, nothing is truly in control except how we choose to RESPOND to these situations. Stay active, stay healthy, keep that immune system strong, and don't forget to breathe...Consciously. #justmyopinion #pandemicpreparedness #responddontreact #instablog #yogiblog #blogyoga


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