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We've all lost our cool at some point, I know I definitely have; maybe the wife is nagging too much, maybe the husband forgot our birthday, or maybe we're driving and someone cuts us off! We allow our emotions to take over and react unnecessarily, usually pouring out our anger. But when the chaos in our mind settles down we look back and regret our actions, sometimes not even realising that we have hurt the ones dearest to us. When children are involved, that's what they are picking up; they're not learning what we teach them, but how we ARE in front of them. Now let's say we are in a similar situation again, this time we're feeling that fire inside but instead of reacting to the emotions, we start breathing deep and slow; we CALM ourselves down and we start to count our breath from 1 to 10. Suddenly what seemed like the worst thing ever is now not that big of a deal anymore. It's this PRACTICE of shifting our attention to our BREATH, OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again, that we start to create this habit…a SUPER-POWER almost, and we start to Respond MINDFULLY. From then on, no matter what life throws at us, we're Calm, Cool and Collected; So stay Calm, and enjoy the ride! 😎 #calmisasuperpower #mindfulness #breathe #meditate

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